E152 /
Sep 10, 2019 /

What Are You Missing?

In the last podcast, Caleb Reed explained the reality of the way of the world, proving that Christians are not missing out. Today, our guest takes a similar focus, but this time shows what Christians are missing out on, if they are not totally surrendered. Join Evangelist Mike Pelletier in this podcast, “What are You Missing?”

Also, registration for the 2019 Thee Generation Youth Summit is NOW OPEN! If you would like to join hundreds of other young people who have a passion to live a life of total surrender and total dependence, plan to join us this October 16-18, 2019 in Menomonee Falls, WI for two and a half days of inspiring preaching and exciting competition.

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Mike Pelletier has been in full-time evangelism since 1988, preaching in nearly every state of the USA, and in several foreign countries. Before launching into evangelism, Mike traveled with the Minutemen Evangelistic Team. Mike and his wife, Becky, have three children.