E370 /
May 6, 2024 /
Jonathan Gillmore (with Zach Kinney)

A New York Teen in PNG

In this episode, Jonathan Gillmore interviews a young man from New York state who was called to missions as a teen and is now serving in Pangia, PNG. Hear his candid testimony about how God called him, how he prepared, and how you can be challenged to listen to the voice of God to lead you into missions too!

If you have your own unique story of gospel advance or if you sense God leading you toward a particular people group, we’d love to hear about it. Even if it’s just a sentence or two, share what God is doing in an email to gomission@theegeneration.org.

GoMission, hosted by Mark Gillmore, is a monthly, missions-focused program designed to expose young people to the people, stories, and opportunities happening across the globe in the world’s harvest fields.

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