E211 /
Apr 12, 2021 /
The Faith Twins (with Beverly Van Gelderen)

Joy—The Presence of God

In this episode, the Faith twins interview Beverly Van Gelderen and talk about what “joy” actually is and how to have it in the midst of difficult situations. This episode also begins a series on the fruit of the Spirit.

Faith Talks is a monthly program on the Thee Generation podcast designed to help young ladies discover greater ways to nurture and exercise their faith in their day-to-day walk with Christ. We welcome your feedback, so you can send your questions or comments to faithtalks@theegeneration.org.

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Janna Van Gelderen and Anna Faith Gillmore are cousins. Janna grew up traveling on the road with her dad, Jim Van Gelderen. Anna Faith's dad is Mark Gillmore, the missions pastor at Falls Baptist Church. Both of them are committed to serving the Lord.